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Bourne Valley Pembroke (Brooke)

Bourne Valley Pembroke is a fairly unusually-coloured hamster, with the combination of the colours Rust, Black and Yellow (and a Banded pattern which gives her a white underside and white round her middle). The three colours working together produce her Honey-coloured (orange) underfur (a mix of the Rust and the Yellow) and Chocolate-brown tips to each hair (a mix of Rust and the Black). As she moves, parts of her that are stretched out or only have very short fur (mainly round her eyes and mouth) show the orange-coloured fur, and parts of her that are bunched up show only dark brown, so she appears to change colour in a shimmering way as she moves around.

Brooke's colour is described as Chocolate Yellow, because Rust+Black is usually called Chocolate - but it could also be called 'Melanistic Black-eyed Honey' or 'Black-eyed Honey Black' because Rust+Yellow by itself is known as Black-eyed Honey.

Brooke with her sister at 27 days old, image from Sue Carter of Bourne Valley Brooke at the time of her first litter
Pedigree of Bourne Valley Pembroke (BHVS-13-0114)
Date of Birth9th May 2013
VarietyShorthaired Syrian
Genotypeaa bb ToTo Baba (l)
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Bourne Valley Sanya (BVHS-12-0095)
Chocolate Tortoiseshell & White Shorthaired
aa bb Toto Baba l
Bourne Valley Felicity (BHVS-11-0171)
Chocolate Yellow Longhaired
aa bb ToTo ll
 Pick'n'Mix Mitzi
Chocolate Tortoiseshell Longhaired
aa bb Toto ll
Chocolate Longhaired
aa bb ll
Grand Champion Eric (MYPT-09-0037)
Yellow Shorthaired
a ToY b l
Bourne Valley Cyril (BHVS-11-0111)
Melanistic Yellow Banded Shorthaired
aa b ToY Baba rx l
Bourne Valley Nekita (BHVS-10-0131)
Golden Tortoishell & White Shorthaired
(b) Toto Baba
Bourne Valley Tyler (BHVS-10-0228)
Melanistic Yellow Rex Longhaired
aa ToY rxrx ll
Bourne Valley Hamish (BHVS-11-0161)
Chocolate Banded Shorthaired
aa bb Baba l
 Bourne Valley Kema (BHVS-11-0038)
Black Tortoiseshell Longhaired
aa b Toto ll
 Pick'n'Mix Roxie
Chocolate Tortoiseshell Shorthaired
aa bb Toto l
Bourne Valley Xavier (BHVS-10-0207)
Yellow DomSpot Shorthaired
ToY Dsds l
Bourne Valley Cyril (BHVS-11-0111)
Melanistic Yellow Banded Shorthaired
aa b ToY Baba rx l
Bourne Valley Nekita (BHVS-10-0131)
Golden Tortoishell & White Shorthaired
(b) Toto Baba
Bourne Valley Tyler (BHVS-10-0228)
Melanistic Yellow Rex Longhaired
aa ToY rxrx ll
Bourne Valley George (BHVS-13-0009)
Melanistic Yellow Shorthaired
aa b ToY l
Bourne Valley Nancy (BHVS-12-0045)

Melanistic Yellow Shorthaired

aa ToTo
 Bourne Valley Felicia (BVHS-11-0296)
Black Tortoiseshell Shorthaired
aa Toto
 Bourne Valley Agatha (BVHS-11-0108)
Melanistic Yellow Shorthaired
aa ToTo l
Bourne Valley Jaguar (BVHS-11-0147)
Black Shorthaired
aa b Dg
Bourne Valley Cyril (BHVS-11-0111)
Melanistic Yellow Banded Shorthaired
aa b ToY Baba rx l
Bourne Valley Nekita (BHVS-10-0131)
Golden Tortoishell & White Shorthaired
(b) Toto Baba
Bourne Valley Tyler (BHVS-10-0228)
Melanistic Yellow Rex Longhaired
aa ToY rxrx ll
Pick'n'Mix Maverick

Chocolate DomSpot Longhaired

aa bb Dsds ll
 Pick'n'Mix Aniseed

Black Longhaired

aa b p ll
 Pick'n'Mix Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte
Black Tortoiseshell Shorthaired
aa b Toto l
Hurtle Truffle
Dove Longhaired
aa b pp ll
Bourne Valley Triggle (BHVS-11-0291)
Yellow DomSpot Shorthaired
a b ToY Dsds l
Bourne Valley Sofia (BVHS-11-0093)
Black Tortoiseshell & White DomSpot Shorthaired
aa Toto Dsds l
Bourne Valley Arthur (BHVS-11-0109)
Melanistic Yellow Shorthaired
aa ToY rx l